
The Chronomancer's Guide to the Future: Part 2 - 5th Edition

Created by Haggard Clint

Time Travel & Multiverse Gaming for 5e Tabletop Role Playing.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Manufacturing Update and Prototype Showcase!
3 months ago – Thu, Aug 01, 2024 at 08:28:34 PM

Greetings, Time Keepers!

We hope this update finds you well and as excited as we are! We have some fantastic news to share with you. After months of hard work, dedication, and meticulous planning, we are thrilled to announce that manufacturing has officially begun! This is a significant milestone, and we couldn't have reached it without your incredible support and patience.

Manufacturing Has Begun!

Our manufacturing partners have started the production process, and everything is on track. We are confident in their ability to deliver high-quality products that meet our stringent standards. From the intricate details of The Chronomancer's Guide to the Future Parts 1 & 2 to the sleek and functional Paradox and Anomalies card deck, every element is being crafted with the utmost care.

What to Expect Next

As we move forward, we'll be keeping a close eye on the production timeline and quality control processes. Our goal is to ensure that every piece we produce lives up to the promises we've made to you. We'll continue to provide regular updates on the progress and let you know as soon as we have estimated shipping dates.

Print Prototype Preview!

And now for the fun stuff! We have received print prototypes for the Chronomancer's Guide to the Future Parts 1 and 2, and also the Paradox & Anomalies card deck. We just couldn't wait to share some photos with you!

That's it for now folks, let us know what you think of the prototypes in the comments!


Clint and Phil
The Chronomancer's Guide to the Future team

MASSIVE UPDATE! Digital Rewards Fulfillment is Complete!
4 months ago – Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 11:18:05 PM

Hey there Time Keepers!

We have some super exciting fulfillment news for you all! All of the digital rewards have officially been fulfilled.

These have been distributed via DrivethruRPG, and backers should have received notifications via email that you have a "Free Digital Download from Haggard Time Games at".

Timekeeper Manual errored download issue: For those of you who were quick to grab your rewards from Drivethru, and were in a pledge level that included the Timekeepers Manual, you may have run into an issue with downloading the Timekeepers Manual PDF. This was a weird bug in the DrivethruRPG system that has now been rectified. You will be able to download the Timekeepers manual now (if you already claimed the free download, you'll be able to access it from the "My Library" section of the website).

Physical Product Fulfillment: For the physical books and card decks, we are currently waiting on some test prints prototypes to arrive here in Australia for quality checks, we expect this over the next couple of weeks. Once we have given those a go-ahead, printing will begin which can take 2 months to manufacture and send to our fulfillment partners.
So, we are about a little over 2 months away from having your orders on boats and shipping worldwide to you.

We'll update with photos of the prototypes and also as these schedules become clearer.

Thanks all!

Clint and Phil
Haggard Time Games

The Future is almost here! Fulfillment Starts Soon!
5 months ago – Mon, Jun 03, 2024 at 07:00:35 PM

Hello, Time Keepers! 

We have some fantastic news to share about the upcoming Kickstarter fulfillment. We've been diligently finalizing the manufacturing and fulfillment plans for the project, and everything is on track for shipping to begin in August 2024! 

Right now is your last chance to update your address before we start sending out pledges worldwide. All pledges and addresses will be finalized on June 10, 2024. If you need to make any changes, please contact us via the Kickstarter inbox. 

Please ensure your address meets our shipping requirements, particularly using only English characters and avoiding PO Boxes. 

Stay tuned for a detailed update with our shipping plans and timelines for each region (as we become aware of them). We can't wait for you to receive your pledges for The Chronomancer's Guide to the Future Part II!

April update - Production nears completion
6 months ago – Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 07:38:58 PM

Hey there Time Keepers!

Just a quick update this month as we have been flat out like a lizard drinking getting production wrapped up on all the book and products.

We are super happy to announce that we have sent all final production print files off to our printing partners. From here they'll make prototype/test prints for us to give some Quality Assurance checks over, and hopefully we'll have some of those test samples ready to show you next update!

We are well on track to have all of your pledges on boats and shipping around the world earlier than planned, which is great news for everyone!

Until next time, folks!


Clint & Phil
The Chronomancer's Guide to the Future team

Project Update and Art Sneak Peek
7 months ago – Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 03:42:48 PM

Hey there Time Keepers!

Just a quick update to check in with everyone.

Development Progress

As it stands we have 100% edited, proofed, and laid out Chronomancer's Guide to the Future: Part II. Not only that, we have completed all the art for the main book and are preparing our print drafts with our manufacturers. 

Next we turn our attention to finalising the design for the Paradox card deck.

All in all, we are ahead of schedule for our August shipping date! Huzzah!

Art Sneak Peek

As mentioned above, art for the main book is complete... check out some of these epic pieces from our very own Clint!

Thats all for now, we're nearing closer and closer to locking addresses just before we start shipping (definitely before the promised August).

Be excellent to one another!

Clint and Phil
Haggard Time Games